Friday, October 25, 2013

100 Wonderful People Said Yes!

This month Buy The Change is two years old. We can’t really decide if we want to call it our birthday or our anniversary but either way it has been two amazing years. We have made wonderful new friends, been overwhelmingly supported by our old friends, donated to local non-profit organizations, started our own non-profit organization, become a registered BCorp and most importantly, empowered women around the world by bringing their handmade goods to the American market.

Shanan and I had been talking for a few weeks about how to best celebrate our successful two years. We hadn’t hit on the thing that felt just right until I saw a post from a company called Sapphire Soul based in Ypsilanti, Michigan (check them out because they are very cool). Allison, the owner of Sapphire Soul, posted that she was sponsoring a screening of the movie Girl Rising on October 17th in celebration of the International Day of the Girl on October 11th. I immediately emailed to ask if we could co-sponsor and she said YES!  Our birthday celebration had been found!

The thing about sponsoring a screening of this film is that they give you 10 days to sell 100 tickets at $10 each or it’s a no go. That is a big order for one small company so a Buy The Change/Sapphire Soul collaboration seemed like the perfect solution.  We asked and 100 Wonderful People Said Yes!  It was more than 100 actually, in only 7 days. Since proceeds from ticket sales go directly to the Girl Rising organization, this is a big deal.

There are still tickets available for anyone in southeast Michigan who likes to spend time with very cool people, support change making companies and organizations, get free stuff (we are going to give you a gift for our birthday) and learn about the power of education for girls around the world.  Sounds like a great way to spend a Thursday evening to me.  Hope to see you there.

In Gratitude,

P.S. Join us on our journey! We want every woman to have a happy, peaceful and empowered life. You can join us and support our cause in many ways: host a trunk show, spread the word about our mission and the importance of buying fairly-traded products, become an affiliate, follow Buy The Change on Facebook and Twitter, sign up for our mailing list, subscribe to our blog, and shop online!
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