Saturday, October 26, 2013

We Are All In This Together

We recently attended a panel discussion on women and gender studies at Wayne State University in Detroit. An interesting point was made by one of the panelists about international aid; specifically, why should we help people in other countries when there are so many people here in need? First of all, there are lots of opinions on the matter, but we believe that there is absolutely a time and a place for pure and true aid. People in the lowest of lows need help to stand on their own two feet before you can “teach them how to fish”. Once they are on their feet, there is also a place for business building and creating sustainable, longer-term opportunities so people do not become dependent on handouts and can learn to support themselves. That’s why we have both our retail business “Buy The Change” and our non-profit “Buy The Change Foundation”.

Clearly, our response to the “why help people in other countries when people here need help?” question is “let’s help them all”. The answer of helping “our own” before we help “them” is a mindset we hope will soon get the paradigm shift it so deserves. The “us” and “them” piece is very divisive, and the truth is that we are all in this together. There is balance in saying “nourish those who need it” with no stipulations. Not one’s needs above another.

“Let’s help them all” – too big of a job? Nah. Because…we are all in this together, and there are roughly 7 billion of us. Now, just imagine each person doing just one thing for the greater good...7 billion acts of random (or not-so-random) kindness. Wow.
We'll end with this wonderful African Proverb: "If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
Thanks for being "in this" together with us!

Shanan and Kari

P.S. Join us on our journey! We want every woman to have a happy, peaceful and empowered life. You can join us and support our cause in many ways: host a trunk show, spread the word about our mission and the importance of buying fairly-traded products, become an affiliate, follow Buy The Change on Facebook and Twitter, sign up for our mailing list, subscribe to our blog, and shop online!

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